How to integrate digital and traditional pharma marketing?

Excerpts from 'HOP in the Mind' by Prabhakar R Shetty, p 207 . Pharma needs to speed up the integra ti on of digital technology into their marke ti ng mix by collabora ti ng with innovators and the medical profession. The digital technology innovators may know very li tt le about medicine, pharma marke ti ng and sales. Conversely, pharma people and the medical profession will have scant knowledge of emerging technology. To emerge as winners in the over ‐ crowded scenario, the communica ti on must be precise, a tt en ti on grabbing, and address exis ti ng as well as unmet needs . The adapta ti on will involve training of employees to harmonize with the other channels of communica ti on. Many companies have used laptops or similar means to convey the audio ‐ visual message. It did help to draw a tt en ti on for a while, but the novelty wore off very soon. Many consider it equivalent to a television adver ti sement for a cosme ti c...