CORD Model – Cascade Of Responses & Decisions, to communication

Abstract from ‘HOP in the Mind’ by Prabhakar Shetty The CORD Model is a cascade of responses to the factors in the sequence of communica ti on. CORD is somewhat similar to AIDA but is be tt er suited for personal selling of pharmaceu ti cal brands to Doctors. CORD is more intricate, intertwined and complex because the decisions are made by the Doctor, who is the expert. It is not necessary that a decision will be made by the Doctor a ft er going through the en ti re sequence. Depending on various circumstances, including prior knowledge of the product, there is a variable cascade of responses and decisions as result of the interac ti ons with the Salesperson. Acceptance or rejec ti on can happen at any point in the cascade. In the later part of the CORD Model sequence there is greater involvement of the subconscious mind. The me ti culous prepara ti ons made by the Salesperson will be of cri ti cal importance at all stages, but he should en...