
Boost Growth Hormone, naturally

By Prabhakar Shetty, Body Satva Essentials Team Exercise Diet And Rest to Prolong Youth Whenever you see a person with a very muscular body, do you wish to be muscular and strong too? Does it awaken your desire to be strong and muscular too? If the answer is yes, this article is for you. There is plenty of good news. Desire is the starting point and it will motivate you for a long time. Hold on to your desire and set goals with reasonable timelines. Generally, the responses are better in younger people and previously trained persons . When you begin your bodybuilding journey, do it under the guidance of a certified trainer or coach. Resistance training for several weeks increases muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) , strength, and power . Muscular hypertrophy and strength gains following resistance training are thought to be dependent on the intensity of exercise, in such a way that an intensity of more than 65% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM) is required to achieve a...

The Sun never sets on Desires .... Prolong Youth

By Prabhakar Shetty, Yogacharya Bhalerao and Body Satva Team For priceless information on Lifestyle Improvements visit Andraiz T Raize Performance , Prevent Weakness

Enzymes to heal acute tissue injuries - Leheal

By Body Satva Team Leheal Heals tissue injuries faster, Safely relieves inflammation & pain Leheal is a synergistic combination of 4 proven enzymes that offer safer and faster healing of acute tissue injuries like sports and surgical injuries. It helps to clear cellular debris and promotes faster healing and relief from inflammation and pain in arthritis. Leheal is safe for  long term  use. It relieves DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness ) pain. Leheal is a unique  vegetarian   combination of Trypsin, Bromelain, Rutoside and Papain.  Leheal offers safer and faster healing of acute tissue injuries (sports injuries and surgical wounds) and is proven to be safe and effective for   long term   use in arthritis. Many studies say that it relieves pain as effectively as NSAIDs, but the distinguishing feature is that this combination...

Belly Fat ? Move it, Burn it , Prevent it - Movalip

By Body Satva Team                                     Moves, Burns and Prevents ... Stubborn Belly Fat Movalip  is a combination of proven ingredients to  burn stored fat . Movalip acts by multiple mechanisms to mobilize stubborn abdominal fat. Additionally, Movalip also helps to prevent the development of fatty tissue ( adipogenesis ) and helps  to prevent weight regain . Fucoxanthin  is proven in human trials to  reduce abdominal fat  by reducing both  visceral fat and subcutaneous fat . It is approved as Food for Special Health Uses. ( S.Hitoe et al, Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2017; 7(4): 246-262 ). Forskolin  (Coleus forskohlii) improves  cyclic-AMP  (cAMP), promotes vasodilation,  improves thyroid hormone  secretion and  stimulates lipolysis   (L...

Movalip - Moves out lipids from the belly and skin

By Body Satva Essentials Team Movalip is a combination of proven ingredients to burn stored fat. Movalip acts by multiple mechanisms to mobilize stubborn abdominal fat. Additionally, Movalip also helps to prevent development of fatty tissue ( adipogenesis ) and helps to prevent weight regain . Fucoxanthin is proven in human trials to reduce abdominal fat by reducing both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. It is approved as Food for Special Health Uses. ( S.Hitoe et al, Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2017; 7(4): 246-262). Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii) improves cyclic-AMP (cAMP), promotes vasodilation, improves thyroid hormone secretion and stimulates lipolysis (Lokesh B et al, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(5): 2856-2864) Banaba Extract -BE has proven anti-obesity and antidiabetic effects and acts by at least 6 different mechanisms. BE impairs the hydrolysis or breakdown of sucrose an...

Raize Performance, Prevent Weakness due to Aging - Andraiz T

By Body Satva Team                    Andraiz T is an a ndrogenic aid for muscle building, sarcopenia and erectile dysfunction.   ·          Raises Testosterone , activates androgen receptors and improves muscle synthesis (anabolism).        Aromatase Inhibition reduces conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen, preventing fat deposition ·           Reduces Cortisol and Stress , thus reducing catabolism Andraiz T is a unique combination of proven natural Testosterone Enhancing extracts along with natural Aromatase Inhibiting extracts which are also having numerous Antioxidant compounds. Andraiz T activates the androgen receptors and helps to gain lean body mass and muscle strength . Tongkat Ali or Eurycoma Longifolia Jack is a proven Testosterone to consistently elevate Testosterone levels (+37...

Youthful Skin and Body - Simplified

By Body Satva Team  All of us wish that we should look beautiful or handsome throughout life. One of the fundamental aspects to remember is that ‘beauty is not skin deep’ .  The skin is an indicator of the state of your health. Indeed, beauty begins deep within your body , and is conditioned by your own dietary habits, attitude and the environment. Intrinsic Skin Aging Deep within the cells of your body, there are genetic programs which get switched on or off as age advances, irrespective of the environment or your attitude and habits. This process is known as intrinsic skin aging , which is inevitable but can be slowed down. Intrinsic skin aging manifests by signs such as increased dryness, wrinkles, and skin thinning. Chronic mental stress and oxidative stress (OS) accelerate intrinsic skin aging. Intermittent fasting or calorie restriction slows down intrinsic aging. Extrinsic Skin Aging Extrinsic skin aging...