Belly Fat ? Move it, Burn it , Prevent it - Movalip
By Body Satva Team
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Moves, Burns and Prevents ...Stubborn Belly Fat
Movalip is a combination of proven ingredients to burn stored fat. Movalip acts by multiple mechanisms to mobilize stubborn abdominal fat. Additionally, Movalip also helps to prevent the development of fatty tissue (adipogenesis) and helps to prevent weight regain.
Fucoxanthin is proven in human trials to reduce abdominal fat by reducing both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. It is approved as Food for Special Health Uses. (S.Hitoe et al, Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2017; 7(4): 246-262).
Fucoxanthin is proven in human trials to reduce abdominal fat by reducing both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. It is approved as Food for Special Health Uses. (S.Hitoe et al, Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2017; 7(4): 246-262).
Forskolin (Coleus forskohlii) improves cyclic-AMP (cAMP), promotes vasodilation, improves thyroid hormone secretion and stimulates lipolysis (Lokesh B et al, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(5): 2856-2864)
Banaba Extract-BE has proven anti-obesity and antidiabetic effects and acts by at least 6 different mechanisms. BE impairs the hydrolysis or breakdown of sucrose and starches in the intestine. BE increases the cellular uptake of glucose, increases transportation of glucose inside the cells, prevents gluconeogenesis, mimics the action of insulin but does not cause lipogenesis. BE reduces blood sugar and regulates fat metabolism. (Miura T et al, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alt Med Vol 2012, Art ID 871495)
Grape Seed Extract - GSE reduces lipid accumulation and decreases fat mass by inhibiting adipogenesis in preadipocytes and has applications for treating obesity (Young-Min Cho et al, Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, June 2010, 39(6):927-931). GSE is an Aromatase Inhibitor and Suppressor of Aromatase expression (Kijima et al, Cancer Res 2006; 66(11): 5960-7)
Garcinia cambogia extract or Hydroxy Citric Acid – HCA are proven in human trials to reduce blood lipids, induce weight loss, suppress appetite and reduce food intake (Chuah et al, Evidence based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol 2013, Art ID 751658). Garcinia is an appetite suppressant which has reduced total fat mass, visceral fat and subcutaneous fat in many human trials.
Green Coffee Bean extract (Chlorogenic acid) was proven to reduce BMI, TG, LDL, VLDL and increase HDL in a 6wk human trial. Green Coffee causes weight loss by curbing appetite, burning of fatty deposits (reduces fat mass percentage) and the prevention of fat deposition. Chlorogenic acid might act by inhibiting glucose absorption in the small intestine (Alhamhany et al, J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. 2018; Vol. 10(3): 627-630).
Rose Hip Extract (Tiliroside) is proven to reduce abdominal fat, abdominal subcutaneous fat area, body weight and BMI in a 12wk human trial (Nagatomo et al, Diabetes, Met Syndrome & Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2015:8 147–156). Other studies conclude that it induces browning of white adipose tissue-WAT and prevents accumulation of fat in WAT, thus making it a valuable functional food for obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Note: Exercise, Hypocaloric diet and Movalip together will give the best results.
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