Youth Satva Yoga Series 2 - Maksikanagasana or Dragon Fly Pose

By Yogacharya Bhalerao and Body Satva Team Yogacharya Bhalerao in Maksikanagasana or Dragon Fly Pose Ph +91 9158482113 Rajesh Bhalerao is a Masters in Yoga – (PG degree from UIPS). PG Diploma in Yogic Education (Kaivalyadham, Lonavla) including deep knowledge of various style of yoga and scriptural strides of ancient texts. Aṣṭāṇga Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga Therapy Course , Rishikesh. Experience of Yoga Teaching (over 6 years) in Mumbai, Rishikesh, rest of India and Guangdong Guangzhou, China for 6 months. Experience of teaching from yogic scriptures like Patanjali yoga sutra, Hatha yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism. Grasshopper Pose , aka Dragonfly Pose (Maksikanagasana) is a challenging but doable arm balance that requires strength and control in both the upper body and the thighs. However, strength is not the only element here, as the hips and spine need to be open as well. This posture comb...