Youth Satva Yoga Series 1 – Introduction and Hanumanasana

By Yogacharya Bhalerao and Body Satva Team

Yogacharya Bhalerao
E-mail: raoyogpith@gmail.comPhone: +91 9158482113
Rajesh Bhalerao is a Masters in Yoga – (PG degree from UIPS).
PG Diploma in Yogic Education (Kaivalyadham, Lonavla) including deep knowledge of various style of yoga and scriptural strides of ancient texts.
Aṣṭāṇga Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga Therapy Course, Rishikesh.

In-depth knowledge of different types of Yoga like Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Mantra, Laya, Raja and Kundalini.

Experience of Yoga Teaching (over 6 years) in Mumbai, Rishikesh, rest of India and Guangdong Guangzhou, China for 6 months. Experience of teaching from yogic scriptures like Patanjali yoga sutra, Hatha yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.  

Youth Satva Yoga series is in pursuance of our mission to ensure ‘functional fitness and wellness’ or delay the ‘process of aging’ during the entire lifetime of an individual. Yoga is a means of achieving perfect harmony between the mind and the body, in today’s scenario.
Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India and can be traced back to 2700 B.C. or earlier.  

The word, yoga, comes from the Sanskrit yuj, which means “to yoke” and "samadhi" or "concentration". Thus, yoga is the practice that aims to join the mind, body and spirit. The ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve liberation (moksha) or freedom (kaivalya) in all walks of life. Yoga became popular in the West in the 20th century when the vast benefits of Yoga were confirmed by them. 

Hanumanasana by Rajesh Bhalerao

Hanumanasana is an advanced seated asana that requires flexibility of the hips, groin and legs. The legs are in a full split position, with one leg extended in front of the torso and the other behind the torso. The hands and arms may be in prayer position or stretched skywards. Some people call it seated splits.

Hanumanasana stimulates both the muladhara (root) and svadhisthana (spleen or sacral) chakras. 

Opening the muladhara through Hanuman asana grounds the individual, providing the inner stability needed for personal growth.

The svadhisthana is the center of creativity, pleasure and enjoyment. Opening this chakra promotes focus, productivity and inner acceptance.

In the West, yoga is most often associated with the physical practice of asanas, particularly stretching exercises to build flexibility and relax the body. Yoga asanas can also build strength, coordination, balance and stamina

However, this is only one aspect of yoga as asana practice is just one of the "eight limbs" of yoga as listed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a key sacred text on the philosophy of yoga. These eight limbs are:

Yama - Five abstentions (or outer observances)
Niyama - Five inner observances
Asana - Meaning “seat” and referring to the physical posture needed for meditation
Pranayama - Controlled or suspended breath
Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the senses
Dharana - Single pointed concentration
Dhyana - Meditation
Samadhi - Liberation

There are many different paths of yoga, including Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga and Jnana yoga, but all are rooted in the yamas and niyamas, and have the same goal of samadhi.

Yoga is thought to be therapeutic for many physical and mental conditions. Studies have been carried out demonstrating its effectiveness as a treatment for back pain, stress and schizophrenia, to name a few. Today, Yoga is also practiced for abdominal fat or belly fat reduction, and the number of practitioners has grown exponentially.

Keep visiting us for more updates on Yoga and the various Asanas and methods to prolong youth up to a very old age.

The Youth Satva Yoga series is a public health initiative by Body Satva Essentials , makers of Movalip and Andraiz T 

Body Satva Team has taken maximum care to ensure authenticity of the information provided, by sourcing from reputed medical journals and books. Body Satva Team urges members to seek professional advice before commencing any regimen of diet, exercise and medication. The products sold on this site are not for treating any disease or medical condition, without medical supervision. We do not advice self-medication.


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