
How to integrate digital and traditional pharma marketing?

Excerpts from 'HOP in the Mind' by Prabhakar R Shetty, p 207 .   Pharma needs to speed up the integra ti on of digital technology into their marke ti ng mix by collabora ti ng with innovators and the medical profession. The digital technology innovators may know very li tt le about medicine, pharma marke ti ng and sales. Conversely, pharma people and the medical profession will have scant knowledge of emerging technology.   To emerge as winners in the over ‐ crowded scenario, the communica ti on must be precise, a tt en ti on grabbing, and address exis ti ng as well as unmet needs . The adapta ti on will involve training  of employees to harmonize with the other channels of communica ti on.   Many companies have used laptops or similar means to convey the audio ‐ visual message. It did help to draw a tt en ti on for a while, but the novelty wore off very soon. Many consider it equivalent to a television adver ti sement for a cosme ti c...

Digitalization and the Basics in Pharma Marketing

Excerpt from HOP in the Mind by Prabhakar Shetty ,          Philip Kotler emphasizes that Digital Marketing is to  be integrated with Traditional Marketing and not try to replace it .  Adopt and embrace digital technologies but remember that the ‘basics  are forever’ . It is the message that helps to sell the products, if it is  received and processed by the customer. Digital is an additional  medium to deliver the message and HOP in the Mind. Interaction and  persuasion can happen only in personal interviews. (p  205) Customers will continue to ; a. Part with their hard‐earned money for “solutions to problems”  or “good feelings (Michael Le Boeuf). Patients buy relief, cures  and good health. b. To decide emotionally and justify with logic. The buying  decision may appear logical, but the final decision and entry  into the HOP is governed by emotion. c. Hold on to their brand...

CORD Model – Cascade Of Responses & Decisions, to communication

Abstract from ‘HOP in the Mind’ by Prabhakar Shetty The CORD Model is a cascade of responses to the factors in the sequence of communica ti on. CORD is somewhat similar to AIDA but is be tt er suited for personal selling of pharmaceu ti cal brands to Doctors. CORD is more intricate, intertwined and complex because the decisions are made by the Doctor, who is the expert. It is not necessary that a decision will be made by the Doctor a ft er going through the en ti re sequence. Depending on various circumstances, including prior knowledge of the product, there is a variable cascade of responses and decisions as result of the interac ti ons with the Salesperson. Acceptance or rejec ti on can happen at any point in the cascade. In the later part of the CORD Model sequence there is greater involvement of the subconscious mind. The me ti culous prepara ti ons made by the Salesperson will be of cri ti cal importance at all stages, but he should en...

Youth Satva Yoga 3 – Trainer in Guangzhou China. Chakrasana and Vrikshasana

By Yogacharya Bhalerao, Body Satva Team Yogacharya Bhalerao in Guangzhou, China.  Ph +91 9158482113 Rajesh Bhalerao  is a  Masters in Yoga  – (PG degree from UIPS).  PG Diploma  in Yogic Education (Kaivalyadham, Lonavla)   including deep knowledge of various style of yoga and scriptural strides of ancient texts.  Aṣṭāṇga Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga Therapy Course , Rishikesh. Experience of Yoga Teaching (over 6 years) in Mumbai, Rishikesh, rest of India and  Guangdong Guangzhou, China for 6 months.  Experience of teaching from yogic scriptures like Patanjali yoga sutra, Hatha yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.   Yogacharya Bhalerao  performing the Chakrasana Chakrasana is a strong back bending yoga asana. It is popular in many forms of yoga and is part of the primary seriesof Ashtanga Yoga. As well as being a back bend, Chakrasana is seen in yoga as a heart opening posture and...

Fight Belly Fat. It’s an expansionist Organ !

By Prabhakar Shetty, Body Satva Team Belly fat accumulation is now becoming a universal problem for even adolescents and the middle aged, irrespective of gender. For many decades, it was considered as just a problem of excess energy intake and low energy expenditure . This assumption spawned a multi-billion dollars industry of ‘fad diets’ and exercise regimens. Yet, even those who lost weight, regained it quickly . Many drugs were also introduced for reducing fat, but the results were moderate and not enduring. Various scientific studies of Diet and Exercise, concluded that only a combination of hypocaloric diet and exercise produces significant fat loss, but the combination of diet and exercise has to be continued throughout the lifetime to prevent weight regain . Yet, there are significantly large number of people who cannot achieve their fat loss goals. Fatty tissue or adipose tissue is made up of cells called Adipocytes . Studies showed that the size of the Adip...

Youth Satva Yoga Series 2 - Maksikanagasana or Dragon Fly Pose

By Yogacharya Bhalerao and Body Satva Team Yogacharya Bhalerao in Maksikanagasana or Dragon Fly Pose Ph +91 9158482113 Rajesh Bhalerao  is a  Masters in Yoga  – (PG degree from UIPS).  PG Diploma in Yogic Education (Kaivalyadham, Lonavla)   including deep knowledge of various style of yoga and scriptural strides of ancient texts.  Aṣṭāṇga Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga Therapy Course , Rishikesh. Experience of Yoga Teaching (over 6 years) in Mumbai, Rishikesh, rest of India and  Guangdong Guangzhou, China for 6 months.  Experience of teaching from yogic scriptures like Patanjali yoga sutra, Hatha yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.   Grasshopper Pose , aka Dragonfly Pose (Maksikanagasana) is a challenging but doable arm balance that requires strength and control in both the upper body and the thighs. However, strength is not the only element here, as the hips and spine need to be open as well. This posture comb...

Youth Satva Yoga Series 1 – Introduction and Hanumanasana

By Yogacharya Bhalerao and Body Satva Team Yogacharya Bhalerao E-mail: Phone: +91 9158482113 Rajesh Bhalerao is a Masters in Yoga – (PG degree from UIPS). PG Diploma in Yogic Education (Kaivalyadham, Lonavla) including deep knowledge of various style of yoga and scriptural strides of ancient texts. Aṣṭāṇga Vinyasa & Iyengar Yoga Therapy Course , Rishikesh. In-depth knowledge of different types of Yoga like Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Mantra, Laya, Raja and Kundalini. Experience of Yoga Teaching (over 6 years) in Mumbai, Rishikesh, rest of India and Guangdong Guangzhou, China for 6 months.  Experience of teaching from yogic scriptures like Patanjali yoga sutra, Hatha yoga, Ghata yoga, Vedanta and Buddhism.    Youth Satva Yoga series is in pursuance of our mission  to ensure ‘ functional fitness and wellness ’ or delay the ‘ process of aging ’ during the entire lifetime of an individual. Yoga is a means...